Hello, I'm Cotton0309. Also known as Pybro550, and Cottonmouth0309. I like making mods and playing other mods from
other people like Raveyard, and Big Smoke. I also like to do other things than that which is playing video games,
drawing, playing with my cat, listening to music (mostly metal like Black Sabbath, Metallica, and Pantera).
I live in the south of the United States (I think? bruh, I don't even known where my birth place was lmao). Before
I got into Doom, I was playing multiplayer games like Team Fortress 2.
I would launch the game and pick a casual match.
And oh how welcoming the people of the server were to someone who at the time, was very cringe.
Anyway, I started to play the Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, etc. they were pretty damn fun. Now, you might be wondering when I first played Doom.
So, back when I was like 5 or something I had an XBOX 360, I know. I would play games on there like Minecraft, the Simpsons game, Aliens
Colonial Marines, etc. One particular day, I had convinced my parents to get me doom 1 and 2 for the xbox 360.
They were pretty fun as far as I can remember it.
I believe I had beaten Doom 2 on the xbox before. Me and my dad would play the original doom on coop mode. Was really fun at the time.
Later on, I begin to play other games on the build engine like Duke Nukem 3d, Shadow Warrior, Blood, etc.
In my opinion, I think that Blood is the best out of
the holy trinity. With Duke Nukem 3d on 2nd place and Shadow Warrior on 3rd.
The reason I say that is probably because that Shadow Warrior isn't really my cup of tea
when it comes to build engine games. Powerslave and NAM however, are just kind of boring to me.